Aug 10, 2022Liked by Melooley

More brilliant bumblings about by THE next Spike Jones of the printed page. The Spike of City Slickers fame, that is.

Our other Spike is doing just fine but is incomparable, thank you very much. Apples to banjo kapos, you know.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Melooley

What has driven me to distraction recently is web novels and games. I need to focus more on getting ready for the school year. It's not too bad though.

I do actually have a list. It's a combination of two things. Browser tabs for pdf file books and kindle wish-list for official digital books. I used to have a physical paper list but I haven't used that approach since 3rd grade.

It's concerning that in West Texas it's that much more dangerous to be a (to be)mother.

Fantastic that the kitties are doing well. Lots of love sent their way.

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